Being good enough to make it- you might even say it is unnecessary.It's not about who's deserving and who's not. There is a system of accreditation, through which you pass through, to successfully to makeit. It can cause you to compromise on the way you wanted to make it but you're going to have to pass through the system if you want tomake it anyway. Going through the system is the only way you can make it.

The system doesn't give you credit on merit. It has a predecided list of things that you can do to be credited. This list is too general to cater to the development of the individual with the diversity of each of our specific abilities. If we are clever enough to realize that the credit would do us good, we'd get the credit giving it first priority.That credit gives us the respect we need from people who can "get us there". Beyond a point, qualification, achievement, capacity andability lose value and that respect takes us there. How you get it doesn't matter because once you get it, you are given charge and then you're free of the system and you can then handle matters how you wish to.

Through the system, we achieve our goals but it makes us compromise on our true essence in cases when there is a conflict of intrest. We end up wasting the time when we have the most potential by earning our way up the system. We get through it by the time that time is over and a lot of time gets wasted inbetween.

Just because it's said that every pleasures got its edge of pain, we shouldn't make it so. The trouble we sometimes go through to enjoy happiness makes us unable to make the whole process worthwhile. The system passes on a lot of regret and unhappiness from one generation to the next. That's the price you're going to have to pay anyway.Everyone from the previous generation goes through the process and we have to go through it too compromising and giving something or the other up.

Are the future generations going to keep on regretting? Are dreams going to be a heavily priced commodity forever and ever? For how long more is the regret going to be passed on or is it too late too ask that question? Is it for us now, this generation, to refuse to takethat regret on? Where will it go then? It cannot vanish into oblivion. Someone has to suffer for that to happen. Who will? Are people willing to forget and forgo all that having to regret makes them lose in the end?

The system makes us depend on it (because it determines our success) and then when we have passed through it, all stripped of our strength, we depend on it to move on further. What we lost through it, we don't allow the next generation to have or attain by pushing them throughthe system to lose the same. The system can only be disabled if we don't allow it define our rise up towards our goals. If it has to be passed through anyway, for what we lose through compromises we shouldnot blame it but press on until it breaks- atleast for us. If we havewhat it takes, we will make it. What "gets us there" will be our own merit and abilities and we wont have anyone to oblige and nothing to regret to blame anyone or anything in the end.


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