Put yourself in this situation. You are sitting in a room with me(for the sake of the argument) and in front of you and me is a newspaper which is folded and the side which is readable has this small column/write up/ oneliner.

Now take Probability 1:

You and me could have no taste for literature at all and would pass our judgements on it and say its boring...Considering that we have no idea what we are handling our opinoins would hold almost or no value at all.

Now, Probability 2:

One of us has a intrest of an appreciable level in literature and the other has nothing of that sort...Considering that the person knowing something about at an appreciable level, his views could do the expounding of that passage some good.

Probability 3:

Say now for the arguments case assume that we both have an equal appreciable intrests in this case both our opinions would hold a little more value than the total value of the opinions expressed in the case of Probability 2.

Probability 4:

Now say that you are either one totally clueless about literature or one with an appreciable level of intrest in literature and the other guy is the writer of the piece...whose opinion would prove more profitable then in expounding the piece-the writer or himself or the other person.

Think about it...God is not finding us a solution out of this mess called life. He is not saying that he has a way out. He is saying that he created it all and hence will know more about it than anybody else.


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