We can speak of the world as a global village-the entire world at the click of a button. Be it a hyperlink, URL or send button or even a keyon the keyboard, information interchange and interaction happen in real time. One can literally mean it when he says that once he is toldwhat to do, its done provided his medium of operation is the Internetand he has a connection that is fast. The Internet makes interactionfast and easy and also more less personal. Saying what we have to andwhat we need to, passing it through wires digitally decoded and thenencoded again so that it can be understood, relieves us of thepressure and tension that we sometimes go through in a face to face interaction. It makes sure the point gets across without us having todo the dirty work. In making things easier and faster, things get less personal.

One has to no more go through, look and search books, files and catalogues that would have replaced otherwise the list of sites thatcontain the information you want that you can get by entering a keyword on the Google Search engine page and then clicking on the search button. Every trade, art, vocation, passion and each of their individual styles have a website that the interests of the people whopursue them and most of them don't cost. You can enter a number ofcompetitions- some depending on your luck, some depending on your goodfortune and some depending how good you are- though it is still a undebated dispute whether those amounts are actually given away. Servers hosting email services keep on adding better facilities to the already offered services. The amount of space offered for email usage and storage is never ending. If you can't afford your own site, youcan have one on a Yahoo Groups!, Hotmail Groups or another suchfacility till you can actually afford your own space on the World Wide Web.

We can meet people whom we don't even know and whose introduction wecannot always trust but yet have a good decent conversation across amessenger service facility and not meet the same person again. He/she could be lying about his/her sex, age, education, family, location buttrust doesn't play a real vital role in such an interaction even if it's taken further. If they want to withhold more and lie about somemore, they can do so with the protection of a username that can tell you nothing about them ?-all of this not hurting anyone on either sideof the conversation. You are only having good harmless fun.

The Internet takes away the privilege of the joy of an in personinteraction. A lot of older people would say, if you asked them, that nothing beats writing a good old letter- not even an email. All that'sleft to say is that wires cant pass on soul if that is what everyinteraction is based on. Wires cannot speak the language of the heart.Maybe that's why we prefer the internet and more than that the speedand convenience that it brings us because all of that put togethergive us a good enough excuse to distance ourselves from the trouble ofa real soul to soul interaction with people-both whom we love and who are not acquainted with us, the difficulty of what it would take tomake our dreams come true and the reality of how hard, cold and mean"the real world" and real life can be- things we've got to facesometime down the line.


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