Deconstructing hate


Why what? 

Why do you feel that way about them? 

Because I have my reasons. This is what happened to me and they did that to me.

By "they", you mean specifically those individuals?

No, I mean those specific individuals are their ilk. It's the same thing. 
Did you make the association or did they claim the association? 

Neither. It's as plain as day. You can see the common colours from afar.

So if it smells, feels and comes across like something, it has to be that thing?

You couldn't be more profoundly clear.

Clear about who the exact individual perpetrators are not - as plain as day? 

No. Clear about where the conspiracy that the injustice done to me roots from. One is just like the other, and so are all the rest. Got to nip it in the bud before it blossoms. 

Ah! So even if you're right, they are not the actual people who did it to you. 

That doesn't matter. If one is just like the other, and so are all the rest, hurting anyone directly hurts the other - even if they're not the exact individuals. The goal is achieved.

Ok. So it doesn't really matter if they aren't the exact individuals. The goal was to avenge and this makes you feel like you did - even if you didn't technically avenge the right people. 

Hmmm. You see it your way, I see it mine. I got to give it back and quench the anger the injustice done to me gave rise to. What was your question again? 

My question was why you feel that way about those people whom you lash out at? To sum up, we established they are not the individuals who caused any of your pain, therefore barely deserving of any backlash. 

Well, what they did was collectively done individually. What was done to me gives me the right to colour them as I see fit, over and above their right to refuse association.


Remember I was hurt and I retain the first right of response as long as I remain hurt. 

We've gone through all the reasons to hurt those specific people because another set of people hurt you and they are none. 

I don't need reasons. The ones I have are enough. 

Isn't that what hate is. Done for no reason. But, strangely, feels like a million reasons enough to hate anyway. 

What are you? The owner of the word? 

No. Just establishing that you're doing it simply because you want to, and any reason will do - even none!


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