This is a well revered society were living in. It is looked up to more for its quality than for the impression that we give it. The world sees a lot more in it than we show. We have better chances of making it shine if we keep our differences to ourselves. We would then be living a lie but if we open up to each other, we could be deprivingthe world of lots of hope because it would bring about thedisintegration of our solidarity. Not only so, even if such disintegration of our solidarity doesn't go outside the walls that we live in we could discourage a weak faith or turn someone away who is looking in our direction not knowing what he will see.

On the other hand, such a strengthened status of faith, strengthened through pretension will lose all that it is strong of once the truth is known that it was strengthened by a pretentious act of support. Victims will look for true strength else where, a search that will upset their entire basic belief system but lead them to either find a different version of the same belief system that has no hitches or give up searching for any belief system.

Its better that we keep any action concerning our differences, whether to resolve them or to maintain them, silent. Since they are too difficult to resolve without either or both of us blowing our tops off, its better kept undercover because it will cause more damage than good.


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