There is this buger who comes back from a hard day at work. He comes back from work and chilils out on the sofa with his legs streched on the table puts on the TV looking to just chill out and enjoy the evening. Now the door bell rings and grumbling he opens the door. He opens the door only to see God standing there. God calls him by the name and says "Son, I have something that needs doing. I want you to do it for me" holding out in his hand a old parchment. With a tired day behind him he is in no mood for "God" so he slams the door back on him.

In another part of the world, is the same situation with a different person. This person thankfully is one whom you can call a semi-religous man. So God is no "stranger" to him. He opens the door he sees God standing at the door. God calls him by the name and says "Son, I have something that needs doing. I want you to do it for me" holding out in his hand a old parchment. He politely says to God, " God I am not interested working for you."

In a third similar situation, God knocks on the door of a religious enthusiast in a similar situation. He open the door to see God standing there. God calls him by the name and says "Son, I have something that needs doing. I want you to do it for me" holding out in his hand a old parchment. He politely asks God to come in for a cup of tea. Between sips of tea, God tells him about what he wishes getting done through him. After the discussion that he and God have, he says "God, I appreciate the nobility of the idea but people just wont buy it. I'm sorry. Maybe later. It's not that I dont believe in you but this just wont work. People are not ready to know in all your glory. They'd prefer their own version of you-one that fits into their lives, one that is convenient enough for them to beleive in."

In a the last of these situations, another person tired from a hard day at work has just come home. Being a man of faith, he bows down his head and says a small prayer to God thanking him for the wonderful day at work and then he turns the TV on to watch his favourite show on MIracle Network. The door bell rings and he open it up. He is taken aback by the figure of God at his door. After a few moments he recovers and goes on his knees. Oh what a moment this is- God at his door!!! God calls him by the name and says "Son, I have something that needs doing. I want you to do it for me" holding out in his hand a old parchment. He says "My Lord, an honour it is. Willingly I will follow." He picks up his coat and God signals for him to follow. They both start walking- God in front, him behind God. Darkness is all that he can see but God he is following and thats all that matters.

After a while he stops and asks, "God, What will we do for dinner? It is late. I will soon be hungry and I havent even brought money to eat out." God stops and he almost bumps into God. God turns around and says "Dont worry my son." A while later after walking down a little more, He asks God, " God, what will I do for work tomorrow?. I cant take leave without a atleast a days notice. How will I do what you ask of me?" God stops and he almost misses bumping into God. God turns around and says "Dont worry my son. Just do it. I will handle everything else. You just do what I tell you to."

"God will people accept what you ask of me?"
"God will I face opposition ?"
"God, what if I cannot do it?"
"God, what if I find my self unable"?
God, what if, what if, what if...

Many steps more and many questions later, the questions keep on coming. But the answers remain the same-"Dont worry my son. Just do it" with God getting angrier with each time. God tells himself, "For heavens sake, just do it man. What is wrong with you? Dont you understand that I have it under control? Why dont you just trust me? Do you not have faith in me? Dont you understand that I have it all under control? Do you think that you will be unsuccessful under my guidance? Do you fear that you will fail under my guidance? Why wont just trust me and do as i tell you to?"


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