A Christian's Disclaimer

I've been brought up with principles of Christianity as the only thing to be adhered to. Any other kind would have to be in accordance with them. When you're young, you don't have anything to oppose something in favour of because you only know what you're told and you only have people around you who would tell you the same. When you're big enough to make sense of things, it's the only thing you find yourself able to make sense of.

Maybe that shows how crazy the world can get. What you understand is only that what has been driven into your head. That could be crazy but it's the only thing you can understand the world through. Everybody's got to have atleast some sense made out of the world otherwise they would end up in an identity crisis-which they all recognize and try toavoid lest they end up being in one. Being forced in upon such decisions that make your perception of the world, what it has to offerand what you think it needs can bring about certain choices of what you choose to believe in, what you don't, what your life will be made of and what it wont. But there's so much more of the world to see, a lot that can change what you will eventually turn out to be. I don't mean to blaspheme but I've really lost my stand. When I'm down in the dirt, that's when it can hurt that what I chose to believe in has let me down. That could only mean that it isn't worth it and that I've got to find myself somenew ground.

I can stay holed up in my cell.
I can say that all is well (that there are too many fools for me to be wise).
I can look for options that I can use.
I can scout around for choices that I can choose from
That can show me the more sense that I am looking for out of this life
But I'm looking for what's absolute.
I'm looking for the truth that's so complete
That no point of view can change the way you see it
No opinion can change its impression on you.

I've brought myself to understand that the truth wouldn't have to be called the truth at all if there wasn't anything opposing it. It would be only thing that ever made sense. If it works, it's got to work right down in the bottom of all that opposes it. I'm heading there. I hope both worlds level because both the worlds are looking for the same thing- they only need different things out of it. One world makes it harder in superiority- the other shuns it all in pride. Nobody owns the truth, No one controls it. One is just lucky to know it earlier than the other.


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