The business of changing hearts and affecting lives

In the business of changing hearts and affecting lives
There is no judgment of efforts especially when they don't prove to be successful.
In the business of changing hearts and affecting lives
There is no space or time left to laud achievements because of the amount that is to be accomplished.
In the business of changing hearts and affecting lives
There are no departments'n duties to restrict our efforts within.
In the business of changing hearts and affecting lives
The completion of the duties in a department necessarily doesn't guarantee immediate results or any kind of result at all.
In the business of changing hearts and affecting lives
Failures shouldn't be condemned.
In the business of changing hearts and affecting lives
Failures shouldn't make ones endeavours any less strong.
In the business of changing hearts and affecting lives
A true achievement is only one that is rooted in the understanding that dreams, goals, affiliations, circumstances, afflictions and affinities don't classify a man. Everyone is the same under the Sun and everyone deserves an equal opportunity to do what they want to.

We should persevere on because no effort in the business of changing hearts and affecting lives goes in vain. If it does not bear fruit, it will only linger on in those whose minds it was intended to bear fruit in. It will come into play when they realize that protecting their own intrest selfishly doesn't get anyone anywhere. The Human Spirit carries the answer that were all looking for, which when we need and cant find we selfishly protect our own intrests so that we don't lose out in the process. It is this very Human Spirit which enables us to understand each other past the versatility of our goals, dreams, difficulties and circumstances based on the fact that we deep down are all the same. We just have different ways of being that.

The Human Spirit is dying. Very few people believe in the other's soul for its basic worth. The Human Spirit- the bond that every human being has with every other human being based on the fact that all of us are human beings- transcends across the kind of affection, love and carethat one has for another on the basis of familiarity, common circumstances and other conditions which either happen too early for us to realize their effect or which are beyond our control. That is what the business of changing hearts and affecting lives is about-waking it up to its arising.


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