Can I interest you in my queries?
I've figured out what satisfies them.
I feel that they are stupid.
They don't make much sense to me.
These things, they make life, at least as it should be.
I'll suppose you're only passing through if you show no interest.

I feel terribly wrong, just playing along
Now and here is what and when counts
You can go a long way by what goes anyway
Things can really get out of hand
if we make our own rules over and over again because the rules that we made and were
following earlier didn't do us any good
You're going to have to understand sometime down the line that if you're going to get anywhere during the course of your life
You're going to have to give into the calling for which this life is purposed

That calling we have no say in
That calling's been determined well in advance
That calling's your place in the cycle that's created
so that the world doesn't stop turning
That calling's no enslavery
It doesn't bind you down from anything
Freedom is only a choice in which you choose the consequence that follows
To only pass through or not, you can choose.

Passion defines purpose and is borne within ones self
Passion is contagious and needs no
instigative response to be going strong
Passion comes from deep within ones heart and soul and only has the ability to speak to another's heart and soul
It can irritate you or you can fall in love with it
Apart from standing in awe of it whether you choose to deny it or not
Passion lives life for you otherwise you don't live at all
Passion isn't a rat race, it's the goal of life
It separates one only passing through one living life away
If it irritates you, it shows you only want to pass through


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