Park your faith. Mind your manners.

When I talk with people of other persuasions than me, I get a common type of answer. People who have minor differences in religious views with mine say, "Go and ask God. He will tell you". People with whom I have political differences, after discussing public information about an issue, says, "We can go back and forth on this. Let's wait and see." It's not an open-minded let's wait and see. It's a just wait and you'll see perfectly what I mean. I don't understand it myself, but hey, when you see you'll just know. I'd be over the moon if all the answers we ever wanted fell straight from the sky and made perfect sense in a second, but let's look at a some actual realities that have to be dealt with till that happens.

I know the whole world is in search of the Truth, about everything - life, love, God, health, and every other thing that spins life safely on its axis. We desperately want to know enough so that we don't have to be confused anymore, about  anything. The thing about the Truth (about anything), if you're a perfectionist,
is that it has a wall you can poke at, so as to puncture and open it up even more Truth. If you're not a perfectionist, you'll stop at where your patience runs out, pack up and make do with any confusion you've not unraveled. You're either a poker or a packer.

Whichever you are, you still need a core belief to swear by that roots you onto something strong - which is why pokers tend to be more rooted and packers tend to swing with the wind. It's also true that pokers tend to adventure more with confidence in their roots, and packers tend to adventure less with lesser confidence.

If the Truth we follow is truly Universal, it explains more and requires us to believe less - making it easier to have something to swear by.  The more the Truth we choose to adopt falls short of this, the more we need to make up for the gap - giving us more than good reason exaggerate our beliefs.

The form this kind of belief takes in human minds is strange. It plugs into our penchant for power and we create imaginary thrones, palaces and kingdoms in which they become law and reason to war with anyone else who thinks otherwise - to cover up the fact that we choose to be packers, and not pokers. Ironically, we make the search for Truth a battle to establish our truth, by force if possible  - the exact opposite of what the original idea even meant to begin with.

Truth - whatever it is - is larger than what multiple individuals power, control or war that anyone can wage, separately in fighting to establish their claim over it. Any Truth worth following is Universal, for everyone, addresses all things, brings balance, doesn't include advantages for some only, is a better in-built fit, and is equal to all. If not, we may as well follow a made up version that does.

Whatever truth we do follow, we are inevitably faced with two choices: to pursue it and establish this over-all, equally advantageous purpose with complete understanding and consent, or enforce one that falls short, is a hard sell and has to be stuffed down people throats (or operated with their minds switched off) with pure, undiluted power.

Power tells you that belief is important, even if the Truth you follow doesn't clarify things.
Purpose explains how the Truth you believe in actually clarifies things.

Power makes up for lack in the quality of the Truth you believe in.
Purpose explains the top quality of the Truth you believe in.

Power imposes that you must believe, because it is right.
Purpose tells you why it could be right.

Power is a tool for people who believe mindlessly to rope in other people to believe mindlessly too.
Purpose allows people to engage its Truth with all senses on.

Power doesn't achieve the Purpose of Truth.
Purpose doesn't need power;  it sells itself without it.

Power seeks to validate what it holds true by enforcing more power.
Purpose seeks to test what it holds true by looking for more purpose.

Let's take a practical look at the issue of pro- and anti- abortion stands. A anti- abortionist takes a moral stance that's absolutist which says that life is sacred, which directly implies that babies are where life begins, making abortion wrong. A pro- abortionist could argue any one of the following, or more: raising a child becomes her responsibility which she is not ready for, the child to be born will be born too deformed to live long or fully, the mother is at risk of health or life if the birth is proceeded with, the child is product of rape etc. These are all predicaments that are real and present. Even if they abide by the anti-abortion morals, they will still face those difficulties that morals don't solve, by any means whatsoever. If the anti-abortionists would like their truth to triumph, they will have to solve these realities by actually helping them out instead of moralizing them from pulpits because that'd be totally what Jesus did, didn't he? 

Faith drives life, more than we like to think - beyond just religion. It leaks into society and even science. Belief comes with its own craziness. It leads you to abandon reason, at some point, selectively for your own comfort.

If you don't have natural purpose and context to life  with what you believe, and it doesn't make sense to literally everyone, you will seek the power to ordain it to be the Truth and will only know how to shove it down people's throats and minds without an ounce of logic as to why they should even take you seriously. That's its central coping strategy.

It's high time you bring out your Gods, political heroes, ideas, and Truth of every nature, and give the world a better reason to believe them rather than taking up arms for them because they lack their own spine. 


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