After much deep and profound brain things inside my head...

I knocked clear and hard, a distinct rap that you heard
You let me in, with myself in full, a notion that seemed very clear
I seemed welcome enough to at least sit myself down and feel perfectly at home
I later realised that there must have been something, something much more

The welcome-in seemed perfectly clear, sans the warnings on the wall
You, as well, seemed fine as well with my feet on the table, long and tall
If there was a sign of discomfort at the length of my arms when I stretched them
It was laughed off with what I recognise now a sense of absurd mystic humour

When the strange feelings came along, I was wondering if I should keep singing my songs
But then there was no clear opposition to my rants and my suppositions
It very clearly seemed that we were just one big happy bunch of folk
Who really ought to do a regular weekly lunch of sorts because we rock as much

But now you land me this eviction notice, one that I was supposed to see coming
I wonder now who was supposed to be smart enough or am I just plain dumb?
Did I get it all wrong from the very beginning and were you just being gracious?
It seems so very much, as much as you seem to imply the case is

But, wait a minute. No. That really isn’t the case at all
I just realised not one between us was ever perfect. We both had our faults.
Not that we didn’t admit them, but the journey of discovery were we on.
Our paths met, along the way, something neither of us would have known to call

To turn to the tables over now and take a stand of supremacy
I don’t know where you got these ideas in your heads of such Majesty
You, I nor anyone else is the centre of all the action we see.
We are all walking in progress towards our own notions of perfection.

If you weren’t imperfect like we all are in our many little ways
Then I may agree that we must serve Your Majesty all our days
Then there should have been at least an inkling of the wall
Of your supremacy, which I will straight away ignore

If there was an by-the-way hurt that was reached
I’m sorry for launching you into a time of blues
But if you just came to assert that argument and then straightway leave
I’d rather you sit and reason than you come here, your supremacy and majesty to preach

Here’s something you may as well understand that this is how it is planned
The key to the heart lies on the inside, something that only YOU can open up to the outside
You never know who you let in to get cozy, just like they don’t know for what you might throw them out
No one enters perfect persons and no one leaves with perfection really ever achieved

It’s actually a matter of mutual self discovery, one that benefits and progress all sides involved
But only when there’s an adventure in the soul and when there’s passion to figure out, what more is in it
If you ask to be perfectly gratified, you should hang that that up on a wall
So that everyone can see so that they don’t make the step before they fall


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