
Showing posts from 2011

Drag that cross across the stage - A modern Easter/Good Friday programme tribute

Come on and drag that cross across the stage May everybody watching be amazed At the immense suffering and the pain Of the Saviour on the day that He was slain Come on and drag that cross across the stage Put on the spotlight his act of mercy and grace Let's celebrate his suffering for it made us free Oh yes, let's rejoice in that sweet liberty Come on and drag that cross across the stage He did it all just for you and me There is no shame in it, you see He didn't have any, so mustn't we Come on and drag that cross across the stage Let the world know how he quietened the rage Of sin and shame that bore my name and put Himself, in my place, to blame Come on and drag that cross across the stage Open those wounds and let them bleed Slash that whip harder till you succeed In letting the world respond to Christ's magnificent deed Come on and drag that cross across the stage Yes, you are sure that even He rejoices When you make such a happy noise About the pain He endured

Let's talk about some REAL Christian Love

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres." One of the most misinterpreted passages that I have come across, quoted at will, whenever it suits fancy. The various understandings coming from this verse are extremely painful. Here are some things to put it in perspective. Before that, here are a few things that must be cleared first: 1. The passage does not indicate that Christians must be a bunch of "nice & sweet" folk. 2. It does not solely seek to accommodate anyone's personal preferences of what love must be. It is for our growth and understanding. 3. Love is given with sincere concern for the good of the person. Always in the best interests of person, it may result

Whatever happened to just, “Go”?

The word ‘go’ has an enchantment to it. When Jesus said, “Go”, he fully meant that we must simply just GO. He didn’t say wait till you have the means. In Luke 10, when he asks the 72 to, “Go”, he didn’t give them a ministry name, get a few sponsors, tell them who to call so that they get to sleep eat well enough and get people to get the places of meeting ready and inform the people to attend the event. They simply went, of course replete with instructions. This is in much contrast to nowadays where ministry is as less simply ‘Go’ as much as it is branded. It must have a name and must read X Ministries. I shall, of course, withhold my biased opinion of the different words that replace ‘X’ in quite many cases. If we can take the name of the elements of holiness that are used, we must surely be very sure that we are given the mandate to use those names and the grace, means and strength to live up to them. One dimension of how we have ‘gone’ wrong is when we seek to ensure a comforta

After much deep and profound brain things inside my head...

I knocked clear and hard, a distinct rap that you heard You let me in, with myself in full, a notion that seemed very clear I seemed welcome enough to at least sit myself down and feel perfectly at home I later realised that there must have been something, something much more The welcome-in seemed perfectly clear, sans the warnings on the wall You, as well, seemed fine as well with my feet on the table, long and tall If there was a sign of discomfort at the length of my arms when I stretched them It was laughed off with what I recognise now a sense of absurd mystic humour When the strange feelings came along, I was wondering if I should keep singing my songs But then there was no clear opposition to my rants and my suppositions It very clearly seemed that we were just one big happy bunch of folk Who really ought to do a regular weekly lunch of sorts because we rock as much But now you land me this eviction notice, one that I was supposed to see coming I wonder now who was supposed to b