
Showing posts from September, 2019

Yes! How dare you?!

Greta Thunberg has been getting more than a fair share of flak for putting herself out there—more than most in quantity. Let's leave aside the patronization she gets for being just a kid, having a "mental disorder" or any other right-wing narrative. Those arguments don't deserve any credit. They're just toeing the line because the people who scream them are just dissonant with how the views in their head don't line up with what their eyes actually see in the world. Sadly enough, that how most people pick up and perceive with their views these days. Moving on. Most people, the opposing inspiration of whom are worth a ear, are irritated with her tone, but don't disagree with her message. Some say that she has said nothing new, nor she offered new and better solutions. Why can't she be a Boyan Slat or Sharon Barak ? They, and others like them, have designed actual solutions and did R&D about the problem. Actually, there's a perfectly good r