The Luv Connection
Marriage is one of society's oldest traditions. It's the bedrock, goal, focus and obsession of many societies around the world—the Golden Ticket, even if to where is in question. Even the communities that are liberal about it have their share of tears when someone they know is, and has been, of age for a long time and yet unmarried. The latest addition to it is - love! As much as we'd like to fool ourselves otherwise, love played has a very new role in marriage. Its mostly winning competitors have been *status elevation maintenance, property, honour, security and protection (usually of women), family and childbirth, generational extension, and stability & support. But what's love really got to do with it? Love probably worked its way in because if you're going to get married anyway, you may as well like who you're with, and then take it another level. If you don't, the other factors will make you—living-in, with and alongside another p...