My coming out
Part of the series (in no particular order): The perils (and lessons) from living in a competitive home environment One for mid-life crisised The dilemma of managing a house The confessions of an introvert Note: This blogpost speaks to two particular categories of people: 1) Me and people like me with respect to my confession (to any degree) 2) Everybody else who seeks to destroy the peace in my head, when they do* Confession: I'm an introvert - one who has learnt to enjoy the wonders of my particular inclination (and my particular neurocognitive traits), blessing or curse. It's amazing that I have the privilege and you* should envy and try and seek a peek in too, I think. I promise an extremely fun ride. You'll be intrigued to the depths of your soul. The warning's that it might just disturb your balance of existence, so much so that you can be as scared as you act cool about shoving it aside as acceptable differences, or just plain rubbish. The rest of the co...